My Mental Age is a seriously popular website and we get a lot of mail asking us what's happening. Actually, that's not true. It is a popular website but nobody emails us as at all. However, we did consider that we should tell people what we are doing just in case they were interested.
Now somebody did suggest to us that we should setup a Twitter, Facebook or similar account and tell everyone that way. But that's not really our thing (we have a mental age of 62). So we are going to do this the old fashioned way of a blog post. Except it's not a blog, it's just a list of all the changes we make to the website. It's not going to be a very long list at all because we don't really do much to the website but anything we do, will probably get listed here. If we remember.
15 January 2021 : It's now 2021 and with everything that's been happening in the world during 2020, it's fair to say that the world needs the famous My Mental Age test more than ever. If there was ever a year that required a website to take your mind off things then surely 2020 was that year. Every now and again, we update the questions to keep things more topical. And we were thinking of putting in a question about Zoom/Teams/Meet etc. But the questions have started to become legend and we felt that changing them wasn't the right thing to do. So, if you want something to liven up those Zoom calls, just tell everyone to head over here to and have a quick break. Here's to 2021.
01 June 2019 : It's true that MMA was getting a little tired. So we've done the unthinkable and have updated some of the questions. We know that millions of people have relied upon MMA to make sure that everything was good in their life. Changing the questions isn't such a great thing to do when it was perfect. But now we've made perfect even more perfect. The new questions are going to increase the accuracy of the predictions and open up a whole new world of possiblities. Possibly.
18th September 2018 : We've changed the options on the 'what's your favourite thing on TV'. This is big as we don't change the questions very often. It's possible that the previous version had been there for three or four years. So a change is a serious thing. So what did we do ? Well, we removed CSI from the list because nobody really watches it any more. It's on repeat and it's always a good backup but it's a thing any more so it had to go. We replaced this with The Big Bang Theory. Now, we know, TBBT is about to end and, we know, Young Sheldon and so on are perhaps more current. But it's safe to say that like CSI, The Big Bang Theory will be around for a long time on various channels. What age range did we give it ? We can't tell you that.
The other change was that we changed Big Brother to Love Island. Now, we know that Love Island isn't a global thing yet and while it's taken the UK by storm it's not massive elsewhere. But it will be. Within a year, Love Island will take over the world and we'll be well ahead of the game. You see, we are thinking not about yesterday or even today. We are thinking about tomorrow. That's how in touch we are. Makes you wonder how we could have a MMA age of 62 really.
8th March 2018 : At this point, we were really struggling to think of any more research we could do. Then, through the drunken haze we considered that maybe certain social media users had a higher mental age than other social media users. This was big. You see, MMA gets a lot of visitors from social media referrals and someone hidden in the depths of our stats, there might be some genuinely good data. Unfortunately, we couldn't find any but in the interest of making an effort, we decided to write Mental Age By Traffic Source which does give some data.
14th February 2018 : Continuing on our mission to build a research section on MMA, we've now added a does mental age vary by country page. Rather than a insightful discussion such as the grumpy text, we've actually based this on anonymous site data to try and come up with something good. We didn't of course but we decided to publish the data anyway. You can have a look and see if you can make any sense of it if you like.
22nd January 2018 : One of the things that MMA does really well is ask questions. And those questions produce answers. Amongst those answers are a few little insights on life. So we decided that we would start a Research section to see if we can find any fascinating bits of data. We appreciate that calling it Research is not really accurate. But we had to call it something. The first article is an in-depth discussion on whether people get grumpy in old age.. It's based on a lot of internet research and careful cross examination of the facts. These facts were discarded and the article was constructed out of the post it notes we had left lying around. It's still a good read.